
To complete the registration process please review and accept the following terms and condition of our liability waiver and concussion policy.

Please click "Register now" to see available open play times. Recommended ages 0-6. Let your child explore- they are free to play with it all! Preschool size gymnastics equipment, toys, balls, train table, etc. Free coffee and free wifi for the adult. Snacks and beverages for purchase. $10 per child (under one year old is free). Multi-child discount 20%. Credit card will not be charged at time of registration. Checkout will report $0. Following attendance, credit card will be charged. NOTIFY US if you need to cancel your reservation. Call/text (248)934-1634 or email [email protected]. If you do not cancel your reservation at least one hour before the event, you will be charged.

Open Play
Events at Play and Grow are listed below.
Birthday Party
Special Event

Tuesday/Thursdays from 12:30pm-3:30pm.

Ages 3+.

Gymnastics lesson and fun themes and activities.

Summer Mini Camps